Your Brand makes You UniqueYour Brand makes You Unique. Companies and brands spend a massive amount of time and money creating a logo, idea, or product and an even more considerable amount of time creating a positive image. Protecting the integrity of a brand and its copyrighted data is something that all organizations duly follow. But the biggest challenges for companies are making sure that their products are protected from counterfeiting and ensuring their brand reputation.
How Do The Proxies Protect Brand?Detection. Brand protection services often attract web crawlers to collect data,which use proxies to hide their activity and prevent unwanted detection and signal tracking. Additionally, proxies hide your IP and facilitate the operations of web scrapers and crawlers. Mirror the activity as it would be performed by a standard, organic web user. Ultimately, data collected by web scrapers and crawlers help detect cases of brand abuse and pinpoint them to a specific source.
Validation Enforcement ReportingValidation. In this process ensures data and data infringement validity,which helps detect authentic businesses and flag suspicious websites to the web scrapper and web crawler. Enforcement. This process helps eliminate any valid IP infringement cases occurring online.Reporting. Proxies present actionable and useful information that promotes brand protection awareness for your business and ensures the safety of its intellectual property.
Use Cases
Accurate Positioning Verification
Precisely target geographic location and verify ad localization