Scaling Travel Aggregation With Proxy If you run a flight search engine or aggregate quotes from travel agencies, you need to process a lot of data quickly. And whenever your customer base grows, you need to obtain a stable data stream from data sources.
Online Price Comparison Online travel agencies (OTA), airlines, hotels and car rental companies understand that price comparison is a key part of daily operations. These companies price their products relative to their competitors' prices to maintain their leading position. These websites will track and know when competitors visit their websites and provide them with wrong information to keep prices competitive.
How to Overcome These Obstacles? By imitating real customers, you can collect an unlimited amount of the most accurate available data. StarProxy provides the most extensive, fastest and most reliable residential proxy network in the world. By providing access to real user IPs, you will be treated as a customer rather than a competitor, and you will be able to collect accurate pricing data from any country or city in the world.

Use Cases

Accurate Positioning Verification
Precisely target geographic location and verify ad localization
Market Research
Provide the ability to accurately analyze the global market
Proxies For Brand Protection
StarProxy 50,000,000 Real IPs from Worldwide in the Pool to Escort Your Brand
Proxies For Affiliate Link Testing
Localized Link Testing Made Easy with Geo-targeted Residential Proxies
Fast Sneaker Proxies
Sneaker Proxies with Millions of IPs and Huge Concurrency Assist You in Purchasing Bulk Sneakers within Seconds.
Proxies For Craigslist
Posting Multiple Ads; Scraping Craigslist ; Collect data, Avoid Location Restrictions.
More Than 200 countries

See What Our Customers Have to Say About Us!

100 %
of the customers who reported that they would recommend StarProxy to their friends because it feels good to use.
95 %
of the customers who reported that our account managers are very professional and very responsive.
80 %
of the customers who reported that StarProxy is more effective than their previous suppliers.
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